Case Study
Crafted & Curated for world-class AI Teams
Named Entity Recognition (NER) for Clinical NLP
Well-Annotated Gold Standard data to train/develop clinical NLP to build next version of Healthcare API.
Licensing, De-identification, & Annotation for NLP Model Innovation
Improvement of Oncology Research Utilizing NLP and Data De-identification.
Enhance Prior Authorization Workflows through Guideline Adherence Annotation
Streamlining Clinical Workflows with Precision & Compliance.
Enabling Ambient Technology Development through Synthetic Healthcare Conversations
Synthetic Healthcare Conversations for ASR.
AI Powered Veterinary Care Solution
NLP-powered Vaccination Management: Revolutionize veterinary care, improve pet health.
Physician Burnout by providing Clinical Documentation
Physician burnout is a significant challenge in the healthcare industry, driven by the increasing burden of administrative tasks like documentation.